(Washington, DC) Jason Poblete, an attorney with Poblete Tamargo was interviewed and quoted by the Wall Street Journal’s Risk & Compliance Journal about recent developments in U.S.-Cuba policy:
“U.S. companies are excited about taking advantage of new openings so close to home. But it will be years before the thaw in relations materializes into large-scale opportunities for U.S. firms, say attorneys that specialize in sanctions law. “There is a lot of what I’d call ‘irrational exuberance about Cuba right now,” said Jason Poblete, a trade attorney at Poblete Tamargo LLP.”
“… And sanctions aside, doing business with a Communist state provides obstacles of its own, Mr. Poblete said. For example, the Cuban government’s actual appetite for the kinds of telecom equipment now allowed is unclear and untested. And much of business in the country still needs to be done in cash, Mr. Poblete said. “People see Cuba as this forbidden fruit, this closed economy with all this potential,” Mr. Poblete said. “But it may be years before you really see these opportunities.”
Read the entire post here.