Kansas Republican Aims to Break Stalemate in Congress Over Cuba Embargo

Poblete Tamargo Attorney Jason Poblete was recently interviewed by McClatchy Washington Bureau about the status of various legislative proposals pending in Congress related to U.S.-Cuba sanctions:

One possible intermediate victory for the pro-trade lawmakers might be to ease restrictions on credit sales of products that are exempted from the embargo, even if the overall embargo remains in effect. Removing the cash-only payment for food and health care items would allow Cuba to buy American products on credit. Such a bill, with its smaller scope, might have a more realistic chance of passing. But that’s far from certain as well.

“It’s not the silver bullet – but for their side it would be a victory and a further erosion of the sanctions,” said Jason I. Poblete, a former Republican congressional staffer who’s an international regulatory lawyer with Poblete Tamargo LLP. As for the ongoing debate, Poblete said, “I’ve been watching this for 20-plus years, and it looks like more of the same – great for sound bites, great for politics, but it doesn’t move product.”

You can read the entire article here.