The Winter 2012 issue of The PT Cable is now available for download! In this edition, we cover immigration policy reform, pending claims against the…
Category: News & Media
Poblete Interviewed on KNZR-AM in Bakersfield California
On Wednesday, January 11, 2012, Jason Poblete was a guest on the Ralph Bailey Show, a public affairs radio program broadcast daily from Bakersfield, California…
Poblete Discusses Federal Budget Negotiations on CNN Today
Jason Poblete will be a guest today on CNN Directo USA. Poblete will be discussing the current federal budget negotiations underway before the U.S. Congress…
Poblete Speaks with Howard Univ. Law School Students on Careers in International Law
Washington, DC — On Tuesday, November 1, 2011, Poblete Tamargo’s Jason Poblete served as a panelist at an event sponsored by the ABA Section for…
The PT Cable Newsletter, Autumn Edition
Attached please find a link for the Autumn 2011 edition of Poblete Tamargo’s newsletter, The PT Cable. In this edition of the PT Cable, you’ll…