Associated Press quoted Mauricio Tamargo in a recent story about U.S. certified claims against the government of Cuba: But Mauricio Tamargo, commission chairman until 2010…
Category: News & Media
WSJ: US Cleans Up Cuba Blacklist as Relations Thaw
Jason Poblete was quoted in a recent WSJ Risk & Compliance Journal story about recent updates by the Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control…
PT Law Attorney Discusses Confiscated Properties in Cuba
(Washington, DC) Mauricio Tamargo was interviewed by the Globe and Mail in Canada about unresolved U.S. claims against the government of Cuba for unlawfully confiscated…
WSJ: Sanctions Experts Warn Against Cuba ‘Irrational Exuberance’
(Washington, DC) Jason Poblete, an attorney with Poblete Tamargo was interviewed and quoted by the Wall Street Journal’s Risk & Compliance Journal about recent developments…
PT Law Attorney Quoted by the Washington Examiner Newspaper on US-Cuba Policy
(Washington, DC) Poblete Tamargo Attorney Jason Poblete was interviewed by the Washington Examiner newspaper for a recent story on U.S.-Cuba policy. You can read the entire story, “Castro’s…